Monday, March 17, 2008


I took up this task of writing an article for my blog. I sat down to put something down. To my amazement I couldn't think of anything. It was shocking. I am sure quite a few of us have have experienced this feeling. After a lot of thought, I decided to blame the education system in the country and so I did. I blamed my teachers, my parents, I blamed everybody. everybody but me. Was I correct or was I wrong? I didn't know. But I didn't care. I think as Indians the attitude of not taking responsibility for our actions comes naturally to us. This was just a small personal instance that I quoted. What I didn't realize was the magnitude of the problem.

The point I am trying to make is that this has got a lot to do with what we do in our lives. The way we react to a victory, the way we react to a defeat, the way we react to something we know and something we don't, particularly when it has something to do with education. Let's see how.

A few of you will say that our education system is responsible for the lack of creativity and innovation amongst students in the country; while the other few will beg to disagree. which one of is right? well let's find out.

Let us for once consider that our education system has flaws. Let us say we don't have the right kind of infrastructure, the right kind of teaching methods. let's say we have a team of unprofessional and undedicated group of teachers. Let's even say our teaching and learning methods are very monotonous and not practical. For example, it may be giving us the Pythagoras Theorem but it may not teach us where to use it. does that give us the liberty to go soft on our education. does that give us the liberty to blame someone else? I'd say no. Aren't we responsible enough to find out about something we don't know? Something not taught in class. Or are there any restrictions that stops us from doing so?

Well from where I look at it, I think we are the only ones to blame. It is because we are lazy that we don't find time for enhancing our creative exploits. it is because we aren't interested that we end up not learning anything. It is because we aren't responsible enough that we blame someone else for our actions. I think I can safely say that the fault lies with us.

We've seen one side of the story. Now let's look at the flip side. what if our education system is as good as it can be? May be better even. Then why do we see so much ignorance? why is there no innovation? Whay is there no quest for knowledge? The Tagore's, the Vajpayee's and the Abdul Kalam's may be there. But why only them? whay not the others? Can't each one of us stand up for ourselves and be counted? Can't each one of us contribute to the intellectual development of our nation in our own small way? If we can, then why don't we? Here again we are the only ones to blame.

Now that we've seen both sides of the story, we can safely say that our methods of application are not right. The education system may be good or bad, it may be right or wrong. Irrespective of that, we, the future generation our country have to take the responsibility upon ourselves to build a strong, innovative and scientific nation. A nation which is supported by the pillars knowledge, science and at the same time various cultures and religions.

I was planning on writing an article that would make everybody feel good, but I ended up writing something that would make you feel better. I want each one of you and I mean each one of you reading this article to look back at yourselves and analyze where you have gone wrong. I want you to analyze the purpose of your life. we've spent a lot of time studying. Now let's apply that knowledge in our lives. Let's put things to practice. we have to stand up and be counted if we are ever to see a developed and prosperous India. If you noticed we started with the same blank and here we are again.


We've spent most of our lives living in this blank. It's high time we filled it up. what do you say friends? Hoping for a developed, scientific and responsible India.

Jai Hind !!!