Monday, January 4, 2010

Watch It Idiots!

So… I walk into this movie thinking, Oh 3-Idiots!! What a title!! Based on 5 Point Someone, that Chetan Bhagat novel. Now this should be interesting!!  I wonder if it’d be like how I imagined it… Drifting off into this chain of thought I took my seat and patiently waited for the movie to start.

The title don't seem like much but the movie is filled with subtle hints to the problems and difficulties associated with everyday life in today's unforgiving n competitive world. With the references made to the flaws in our eductaion system in India today and the water logging(Read - Urban flooding) problem in our national capital - Delhi, the movie drives home a subtle but very powerful message. It provokes one to dig down deep and examine the situation at hand and it does a damn good job of it too. Well, atleast it got me thinking. In simple words, the movie does a blissful muthra visrajan on the education system in this country and also the Delhi government. 

The movie set in the backdrop of The Imperial College of Engineering, depicts the life of three young boys, The antics they pull off in college, their perspectives and ambitions in life and their struggle againt the prejudiced and narrow minded(if i may call it that) education system and society.

The anchor role Rancho, played by Aamir Khan, a free spirited and a brilliant engineering student symbolizes what i choose to call an ideal student. In his own unique comic way, he presents some interesting solutions to the dilema of every student. Not only that, he also raises important, unanswered questions facing the youth of today and more so the nation/education system as a whole.

The movie is complete and has an equal share of comedy, emotion and tragedy. Each interwined in a very beautiful(wish i had another word to fit in here) way to produce an end result - A pulsating drama of 2 and a half hours. The comedy sequences make you laugh till your stomach hurts while the emotional bits make you want to cry(well at least a few).

The movie has some very catchy lingo too. The kind of stuff that college going kids(Although not very old myself i choose to call them kids because now i am an IT professional with three years of experience :P) will pick. Stuff like - Muthra Visarjan for taking a leak make for some interesting phrases to use if you are an 18 year old. So what if they over did the baby delivery thing in the movie. I mean, why would one enjoy watching a movie if it were a copy book of his/her life?? 

The movie is full of strong performances. Madhavan, the other guy whoes name i cannot recall, Raju in the movie, Kareena in her own small, actually very small way and the ever so delightful Boman Irani who played the part of a "Traditional" college principal to perfection. Even the farting "Silencer" as he is called in the movie is worth a mention.

All in all, it is an amazing piece of work amd a must watch if you are either a college going "kid" or just out of college, or like me, you are a non-computer science graduate working for a top tier IT Services company :)... 

Happy Viewing!!

Caution: The movie is nothing short of a Balatkar, hahahaha!! 


hydeous said...

Wow, your 'post a comment' button is hard to find.

I didn't particularly like the movie.
Too much gyan. I don't go to the cinema to learn about life!
I do that on the commode.

venkata raghavan said...

same here.
with all the hype my expectations went high , once that happens reality is always depressing.
by the way: could you see similarities between the movie and the book it is supposed to be based on (expect that there are 3 people in the lead )?