Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Experience With This K9

Stay Up all night, eat, sleep through the entire day, well, almost the entire day, make you and I play with them for a while and go back to sleep. I think this quite sums up what we cheerfully refer to as "A Dogs Life". Sure, it does. Oh!!You hope that's all there is to it. They sure do come with an entire package. Its like one of those "Buy 1 Get 1 Free" offers, only in this case it is "Buy 1 Get 10 Free". Exciting, isn't it?? Wait till you see this.....

Chocolate... Thats what we named her when my brother brought this cute little pup home. As all nice people would have done, we played with her, we cuddled her, we enjoyed her company and we absolutely loved this new addition to our family....

Cute, isn't she?? And small!! Coupled with the fact that the three people(Mary-GF, Srinath-Bro and I) taking her of her were humongous monsters meant we could do whatever we want with her. So we threw her up in the air and caught her, we put her on top of the wall around my house and saw her getting scared. We even fooled her into auditioning for the never to release movie "Super Dog"...

Small as she was, she barely showed any resistance. The most she would do is wooof!! There was a time when I was contemplating the theory that she was actually enjoying it. Little did we know, what we got ourselves into. Did I say she dint offer any resistance?? Hahahaha !!!! Because you are all going to laugh at me.... soon enough... Hold your breath!! Seriously !!

Chocolate's Revenge I - The Contamination of My Master's Bed
After all the torturous things that we put her through, we left her on my bed so she could catch her breath. No points for guessing what she unleashed on a territory that is sacred to me. She peed !!! She contaminated my resting space, my bed.... When I tried to punish her she would simply do this....

How's that for blackmail???

Chocolate's Revenge II - Stinky Shitting
If the contamination of my bed was not enough, she had another disgusting weapon to unleash on us. Every single time we refused to play with her or we were busy attending to some important issues during the day, she would walk out to my veranda, take her time, sniff around for a while, take position and "Fire Away"!!! Fire what you ask?? Fire Crap!!! She would crap her ass out and then...

Chocolate's Revenge III - I am Big and Strong
6 months later, she announced her presence alright!! She would laze around almost the entire day.. And if you so much as make an attempt to disturb her or for that matter you refuse to do what she tells you to, you are in deep shit. Wondering what a 6 month old dog can do to u???

Speechless?? That's what I thought.....

But you know what??

They may be irritating, they may drool all over your bed, they may shed fur all over the house, they sure are a handful to handle when they are small but more importantly they also:

1. Are Adorable !!

2. Watch out for You!!

3. Man's Best Friend

4. Give you a hug when you need it the most !!

5. Always wait for you to come back home...

6. And when you are home they patiently wait for you to finish your food and feed them...

7. They never complain

8. They encourage you to throw everything aside and crash on your bed...

9. They inspire you to write ;)

10. They pretend to be Dumb!!

Didn't I tell you... They come with an entire package....

And last but not the least... For all those who took the patience of reading through this post, here's something interesting... I suppose I conveniently forgot to mention that they come with their own bag of tricks... Here it goes....

I Came!!! I Saw !!! I Conquered !!!

*Pictures and Video Courtesy : Mary Margaret, Srinath Parthasarathy and Nokia 3500


Anonymous said...

ha ha:) didnt know tht u like ur doggie so much...but u know wat..i hate pets eeoo-aparna

tamarin said...

hey ya i didnt know u got a doggie...but gr8 man...there's a new dimension to ur life too:)

and btw, had ur blog been a movie, award for best screenplay was urs for sure...mark my words!!

hydeous said...

Awesome awesome awesome post!

Very cool stuff man.
Do update this thing once in a while.

Deepali Jamwal said...

"selfless love, unconditional care"... When i go back home after a few months, Mishti gives the best reaction (as if she has missed me the most). She would just stare at your luggage and wait for you to give her all the stuff that u have got for her. She would wake up in the middle of the night and silently come and sleep next to me so that when i wake up next morning first thing i do is take her for a walk.
loved your post and your doggie...

GoodEarth said...

Dogs are certainly darlings!! life is one boring log without them... felt so nice reading this post & the pictures just made me nostalgic & senti!!
We got two doggies at my native... i get to see them once in 3 months... :(

Srikanth said...

@ Palu - Thanks!! I couldn't agree more.. Dogs are real darlings...

@ Good Earth - I see you have been very kind to me!!Thank You!! :P

This is by far my best post yet...

PS: Chocolate has grown up to be quite a handful... I have many a sleepless nights scared she'll bite my leg off... May be I'll write about it some other time...
But no matter what, life wouldn't be the same without her..