Thursday, May 22, 2008

Disturbing Thought

“You must acknowledge Jesus Christ and believe in Him. You must follow in his footsteps or you will go to hell. Every thing else is rubbish.” This was a statement that one of my very good friends made to me in a casual discussion we were having on religion and beliefs. I am not that much of a believer but I was genuinely surprised to hear these words coming out of an educated and otherwise sensible person working in a respectable IT Services company.

Is it correct to make such a statement? Can and should any person preach the word of God in this way? How much of a problem can such an irresponsible statement cause in a country like India? This might seem like a small incident that happened over coffee at work. But essential it is a problem that is not given the attention it deserves and which I feel is of immense importance in a country like ours. My arguments in support of my statement will hopefully convince you as to why this is an issue that has to be addressed cautiously and with a lot of tact.

India is a country which is home to almost every major religion that is practiced in the world today. To be fair to all Indians, we have lived peacefully for hundreds of years. But is the peace and brotherhood just a display to show people that we can coexist in a diverse environment? Or is it peace and brotherhood in the true sense of the phrase? Are we truly secular? How would you define secular?

Right from the time a child learns to speak, he/she is taught to pray to God. Even before that, he/she is told stories at bed time of Lord Ram’s righteous and virtuous life; or how one man, Jesus Christ sacrificed his life for the betterment of mankind; or about Prophet Mohamed and his teachings. Bed time stories at one time which transform into strong beliefs and devotion when young boys and girls transform into the so called sensible “men and women”.

The Indian community consists of millions of people coming from varied backgrounds and religious communities. So I ask you, is it right to make a statement similar to the one in the first few lines of this article? Add a hint of extremism to this and then imagine what the consequences could be? Does it not become a recipe for disaster? Let me re-phrase the question I put to you earlier. Under these circumstances, can and should a sensible and educated person make remarks like that? A statement like that challenges centuries of beliefs. A statement like that could trigger the violent side of an otherwise calm and composed individual.

The point I am trying to make is this – Preaching one particular line of thought at the expense of the other or questioning a belief that has been nurtured through time immemorial can have disastrous effects on a nation, especially a secular one like ours. You may ask how is all this relevant to us. We have numerous religious communities in India each trying to win over that part of the population that is still not under their control. The war of religions is constantly being waged to win over more and more believers. The means employed, I feel, are not necessarily honest. If this constant war is being waged then how can we call ourselves Secular? After all doesn’t secularism, at a very basic level, mean religious tolerance? Doesn’t it also mean that religion is practiced only inside the four walls of a person’s house?

These last few lines may make more sense to you than the entire article -
Why should a person challenge the credibility of Religion A in order propagate his Religion B? Why can’t you just lay the facts on the ground and let every person decide what he/she wants to believe? If you want to preach, please, by all means!! But preach about your beliefs and do not question the credibility of the beliefs of others.

I may have touched upon a very small aspect of this issue but I have definitely opened up a very meaningful debate. Mind you, this debate is not to be fought here but within yourself, until a time when you can respect and acknowledge the beliefs and sentiments of the people around you. And the day when every single individual understands this, we can call ourselves Secular. And from that day forward, we can truly establish ourselves on the path of progress.

The ball is in your court now!!

PS: A Muslim is still not welcome with open hands in most traditional Hindu families. A Jain claims that the Buddhist is constantly conspiring against him. A Christian wants to spread his teachings across the radius of the country but doesn’t always employ the honest means. Everybody reacts strongly to religious issues; almost everybody talks ill of the other believers and yet everybody decides to put their differences aside when it comes to getting their work done. It is high time we put an end to all this hypocrisy around us. It is time for every single one of us to grow up and act responsibly.


pete.wwjd said...

God will not love anyone less inspite of what they say!!

He loved the world so much that He gave His one and only son for each one of Us.

This is what the Bible says;
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 6:23

and this: GOD made a way..
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life"
John 3:16..

also this:
"He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him"
John 1:10,11.

and finally JESUS: THE KING's own words..
"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and YOU WILL BE HATED BY ALL NATIONS BECAUSE OF ME"
Matthew 1:9
Jesus loves you..

I am taking a stand for HIM...AM I THE MIDDLE OF WAR.....going against the flow...all day...everyday!!!
with GOD on MY SIDE....

pete.wwjd said...

Jesus loves you more that you can ever imagine!!!
Its just the sharing of this Great Love of God!!!

pete.wwjd said...

JESUS has a record...
Nothig he touched ever remained the same!!!
i know coz HE touched me too!!!

Srikanth said...

I don't deny whatever you have said. The aim of this article was not to offend one person or a belief. The whole idea behind this post was only to try and get people to understand the fact that "One has to respect the beliefs & sentiments of each and every person".

To believe is one thing. But to spread the word of God is quite another. There is a lot more responsibilty that one must exercise when they spread the word of God.

One very good freind of mine once said and I quote - "To get your message across to the person in front of you, you must first respect and understand what he has to offer to you. Then and only then will you be able to convince him about what you have to say to him".

To be a believer is great but to be a fanatic is dangerous.

The message as was clearly stated in the article is to Co-Exist !!

peter anand shah said...

The fact remains the same..
The truth has to be told....
that without Jesus there is no life!!
Jesus Loves you...and its always a choice to accept HIM or not!
There are consequences for both...
God could not see Man dying and going to Hell and so...for this very and only reason He showed Himself to the World!!!
He is THE LIGHT....
one can still choose darkness...

peter anand shah said...

Jesus HIMSELF said...the world will HATE his followers - true followers and not just anyone who calls himself a Christian!!!
EX: DA VINCI CODE - and the like is only the beginning.....hang on and see more!!
For me its a great previlage!!
Like I said..Its WAR...every moment.
A true follower of Christ knows what he believes. Knows the love of God.

Srikanth said...

Some questions for you Pete:

1. "God will not love anyone less inspite of what they say!!"
Then why do say later that "God could not see Man dying and going to Hell"? What I mean to say is God is indifferent in the Love that he gives why do some of us go to Hell and others to Heaven?

2. What do you mean when you say you are in the middle of a war?

3. There is no documented proof such as the bible for me to prove that the the Other Gods actually existed. But I don't have credible evidence to say they didn't either.How can you say with so much assurance that Jesus is the only savior of mankind that God sent?

4. All religions, be it Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism etc, preach universal brotherhood. They talk of peace, tolerance, honesty so on and so forth. What is your take on this?

5. Why do you think being a follower of Christ is so different from being a follower of any other God?

6. Does it matter what name God is referred to by?

7. Does God need to be patronized in any way or form?

8. If so does it make sense to be at "War" with people who don't conform?

peter anand shah said...

e1. God is a JUST GOD. His justice stands always.
HE IS THE LOVING FATHER AT THE SAME PLACE. But he knows that Man CANNOT pay the price. And so HE Paid the price!

Even by Human stanadars we reward others. Don't we? Starting from our school to our work places. Everyone is rated.

God is not indifferent. That is why HE did not HID himself!


"hey its OKAY to have the drink!!"
"its OKAY if ur child does that"

these are not GOD's standards...absolutely NOT
standing against such things is WAR!!
when others are tossed like a ship without a rudder...a person standing on CHRIST still stands firm!!

The Bible says this:
"For our struggle is NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephisians 6:12)

believe me there is an evil spitit ruling the world!!
The BIBLE says so!!

3. GOD's power is AWESOME.
When the TIMELESS GOD the AlMIGHTY stepped down into time....
He defined TIME: BC and AD.


4 and 5.
look at the life of the true believers and not just any Joseph, John, Rachael!!!

Its GOD who sets them apart!!!
Their lifestyle makes all the difference!!!
Only then they are true christians!
People who base there lives on the WORD of GOD and not just what they hear and see...

6. About calling GOD by a name??
Do read Romans 1:12 onwards.
what happened to mankind when He exchanged GOD's glory with created things.

AND yes i have not based a single statement on something that is not in the WORD of GOD: THE BIBLE.

THESE DAYS we do not hear any good news it TV, Newspaper or any other Media!!!
EX: 6 year old raped. Disturbing.

HERE is the GOOD NEWS. A SAVIOR LOVES YOU...and he can make all the difference.

A small thing i'll share with you.
recently, bout 2 months ago...
I met a guy who was going to kill himself. was ready to give away to alcohol and smoking!!
I shared the love of GOD with HIM.
Today HE is a different person.
HIS friends are amazed!
THE CREDIT AND GLORY belongs to GOD alone coz ONLY HE opened my mouth!!

DO this exercise:
THIS is what God did, "For GOD so loved the WORLD that He gave His one only SON, for WHOEVER believes in HIM shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE"

Read the above statement with your full name in place of WORLD and WHOEVER...
GOD loves you.
JESUS is always here...
All we need to do is call on HIS NAME!!


peter anand shah said...
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peter anand shah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Srikanth said...

For me Christianity is also a religion simply because it talks about God.

"When the TIMELESS GOD the AlMIGHTY stepped down into time....
He defined TIME: BC and AD." - This only because we follow a western calender. This is accepted as a Standard and nothing more. The almighty God didn't do this, man did.

"hey its OKAY to have the drink!!
its OKAY if ur child does that
Revenge: THATS THE IN THING" - Its not just Jesus who stood against all of this. Every major religion talks about stepping up against evils such as the ones mentioned above.

"believe me there is an evil spitit ruling the world!!
The BIBLE says so!!" - Believe even the Hindu Religion talks of this. This age is called the "Kalyug" which is what you would call "The world is being ruled by the evil spirit".

Srikanth said...

You say Christianity is not a religion. I say neither is Islam or Hinduism... It all depends on how you look at it..

The Bible says this:
"For our struggle is NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." (Ephisians 6:12)

Sir, So does the Quran or the Bhagvad Gita..

Srikanth said...

I haven't based a single statement on something that is not "The Word of God" either..

Srikanth said...

Look at the big picture.. Don't confine yourself to Christianity.. Open yourself up to spirituality... I am sure you will find that you are missing on a lot of great things...

Its not about who said what. If you have an open mind you will understand that everybody said the same things in different ways..

Srikanth said...

Religions don't say different things, they say things differently.. :-P

Srikanth said...

And finally man must not be judged by who he believes or what he believes in, he must be judged only by what he thinks and what he does..

To reiterate - It what you do and how you do it that counts. And that must be of Paramount Importance.

pete.wwjd said...

OK..let them show all of that through their LIFE STYLES!
Look around you and Judge for yourself!!

JESUS loves you!
The one true LIVING GOD!

pete.wwjd said...



Srikanth said...

For whatever reasons, your answers to my questions are not convincing. It could be because I strongly disagree with you on this subject.

Like I said earlier, there is nothing wrong with what you have said or what you believe. My problem is in the way you disregard the other beliefs.

You are in a free country.. You are in a Secular country.. You have every right to choose what to believe and preach. You must also understand that you have to fulfil a duty inorder to exercise this right.

A duty towards society, towards your piers and most of all towards your country.

Srikanth said...

People don't hate Jesus Christ or for that matter any of his "True Followers".

Understand this - Just because a person does not believe in Christ doesn't mean he hates him. The world does not hate anybody.

You choose to stand by Christ. Likewise a few others choose standby thier beliefs. Respect that because whether you know it or not, they respect your choice.

What Would Jesus Do? That's what you ask yourself when in doubt right?

What would Jesus Do in a situation like this? Would he preach "His Own Teachings" or would he shun the beliefs of others and show disrespect towards others feelings and sentiments?

Christ was a great man.. He would have wanted his followers to show compassion & respect towards others and respect and regard for their feelings..

pete.wwjd said...

Christ showed the GREATEST love..
This is what he told his desciples:
"Then Jesus came to them and said, "ALL AUTHORITY IN HEAVEN AND ON EARTH HAS BEEN GIVEN TO ME. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to OBEY EVERYTHING I HAVE COMMANDED YOU. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
Matthew 28: 16 - 20.

Frankly speaking ...i cant convince anyone of anything..i cant.
No one else, no great man in the world claimed what Jesus claimed(the ones in CAPS)...and this is the reason they hated HIM.
they hated HIM so much that they crucified HIM...The humble KING of KINGS hung on the cross...the most shameful punishment in those times..
hung NAKED on a tree..with HIS back like a ploughed field...just for you...OH how Awesome is HIS LOVE for ME!
not cursing the people who did this but blessing them saying..Father! Forgive them, for they do not know what they do!!

Till this day HE makes that prayer...
for ME and for YOU...coz i have crucified him several times in my life!!
u can still choose...he has given you a free will!!
that is it!
is waiting for you.
GOD bless you!!! :)

pete.wwjd said...

For me I will sing and declare HIS love forever..and I will live...NO...
and I will allow HIM to live HIS life through ME!

Srikanth said...

I am not going to comment any more on this.. This article was not to discuss what Jesus said or who he loves.. This was only to make people understand that you can believe/preach whatever you want, but you must also respect the beliefs of others.. But probably the first line of the article itself put you off..

Do you remember an exercise we did when we were in training?? The one where half the class was sent out and the other half was inside.. Then one by one we had to pass on a message (about 50-60 words in length). Remember that when the last person spoke he couldn't even make a complete sentence?? He barely said three/four words.

The point I am trying to make is this.. If 60 words can be misinterpreted over a time span of 30 minutes, so can the teachings of Jesus or for that matter any other person be misinterpreted. After all we are talking in terms of centuries in this case.

You quote so much from the Bible.. Obiously you read it a lot!! Now try reading the Bhagvad Gita or the Quran... I am sure you will find a lot of differences.. But if you read it carefully, you will also understand that the all convey the same message.. The essence is the same.. The method is different...

Anonymous said...

@Srikanth - You are absolutely right srikanth.
@Pete- Can't you say something of your own, always quoting phrases from Big Book.Its time you take you mindout of the gospel and start thinking on your own.

peter anand shah said...

Exactly Aparna..I can't. If i could, then I would not need Jesus in the First place.
Jesus loves you!

Srikanth said...

Just what I'd thought Peter bhai wud say.. :P...

Srikanth said...

Wanted to have the last word on this one!! :(

But neways... religious fanatics will always be there.. we cannot do away with them..

This post is not aimed so much at the religious fanatic as it is at the educated people who inspite of all the sense they are belssed with forget to use it when it is sometimes "most needed"...

An attempt to drive some sense into the fanatic but more importantly to stop people from being such fanatics..

And you can take your nuts back!! :P

Comments on the quality of the content on the blog are appreciated..

Looking for a fair feedback on how good/bad I write..

Anonymous said...

Awesome one dude...the post and the comments...could relate totally to what I am kinda experiencing!! :)

GoodEarth said...

Whoa! great thoughts there Srikanth! you are right. religious tolerance is a must in the society today.Man must first believe in himself and learn to respect the thoughts & deeds of fellow beings.

In my honest opinion, we dont need any religion at all, for our existence on this planet.

and reg your final question... you definitely write well and i do appreciate your courage to have put up this post & dealt with the comments!

P.S.: the comments section of this post does scare me!!

Srikanth said...

@ Sree - Thanks!! Happy to know that there is atleast one more person in this world who is of the same opinion as me. Do keep visiting!! :)

@ Good Earth - I am of the same opinion about religion.. And I also believe that no amount of prayer and poojas will do any good to anyone.. It is only your sincerety towards your life and your work that is of paramount importance.. Thank You for visiting..

Addy said...

I Agree with you Srikanth... Relegious belief is one's own choice and once one decides to believe GOD in any form, one stands by him and this should be respected by the rest of the world. If Jesus said "I'M GOD" and one believes in that, a Hinduism believer goes by what Krishna said in Bhagavad Gita "Ahm Brahmasmi".

Understand Shakespearean words Love thy neighbour as thy self. Respect your fellow being, no matter how, what and where he is, for all his existence in the world of love and brotherhood created by "GOD" (Differed by Name but has one single meaning).